Healer's Prayer
"God you are the one that gives knowledge to healer and guidance to the treatment approach, help me help my fellow beings in pain, O Lord"
We are serving Long Island since 1999.
Healing Touch Physical Therapy was started in 1999 by a young 25 year old PT Jay Peruvingal. Due to the encouragement of his patients, whose pain was reduced in just 1 to 2 VISITS!, They even had a name picked out for the future clinic, Healing Touch! Here is what Jay has to say about the practice. The standard approach of heat and electric stim and some random exercises for herniated disc never made any sense to me. Sure, the pain decreased after the treatment due to relaxed muscles, but the pain always seemed to come right back. The reason was the underlying cause- the deranged disc which is still sitting on the nerve root. Heat, electric stim and massage does nothing to that disc! By treating patients and not seeing a positive result of relieving pain and suffering, frustrated me to the point of questioning whether I had chosen the right field. After some research, I was introduced to the world of manual therapy, in which I learned the skills that I needed to effectively stop the radiating pain in just one visit. Today, I take great pride in my profession and the difference I make in my patient's life. If you, or anyone else you know experience pain, you can come in with the confidence that when you leave, your pain will be reduced! If we can help, you will know it within 2 visits and if we cannot, we will gladly refer you to the appropriate field so that you can get the help you need. Dr. J Peruvingal DPT "Tomorrow will always be bright for those who haven't forgotten the struggles of yesterday and the struggles others are facing today."
Schedule a visit at our New Hyde Park location and find out how you can get a pain free body*. |
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World can be lonely and a scary place but it is also a vibrant and adventurous place, we will give you the Pain Free Body* to explore it!
This world is a wonderful place filled with so many beautiful souls. The least we could do is give them a pain free body! |
Before you spend any money on deductible or co-pays, find out for FREE if Physical Therapy would help.
Get a FREE personalized report to know if we can help your pain? By answering only 3 questions! |
We were here for more than 2 decades pre-corona, and we will be here post corona to make you pain free*. All things are difficult before they are easy. Never ever give up, hang tough! It has been tough since corona but do not suffer with pain anymore! Pain stops here;
Any ordinary person can become a Hero by doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way
You are a HERO to someone and every Hero needs to be PAIN FREE!
FREE Educational Workshop at the clinic every Thursday at 9:30 pm - Get details
Location1605 Hillside Ave,
New Hyde Park, NY 11040 516-616-0942
We are open
Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Email: [email protected]
If you want to save the world, call any fictional hero but if you want a pain free body* call HTPT hero at (516) 616-0942
Our goal is to attack your pain at the root cause of it with all available tools
I don't stand behind my products or services but in-front of it!